Carddies news

Since they were launched, Carddies have had a huge number of positive reviews and feedback...from parents, children, press, and bloggers...all finding that Carddies are fun, creative and educational...perfect for children using their you can see here!: Top Toy Review

Children, parents, grandparents and carers think our Carddies colouring sets are ideal in countless situations...Carddies have been singled out as an excellent toy for travel, for holidays, when out and about, for visits to granny and grandpa, in restaurants, for quiet or fun time at home, as an art and craft activity, as a teaching and learning aid in the classroom (for use by teachers and pupils), at weddings (for fidgety children), and of course as gifts, birthday presents, Christmas presents, stocking fillers, party favours...presents from a newborn baby to a sibling...the list is endless!

Carddies were on Eurostar in summer and winter 2016! Very cute Carddies for Eurostar sets were handed out to keep children busy on their Eurostar train journey!

Please check out our carddies_uk Instagram page for news, reviews and lovely images of children playing with our Carddies!

Reviews and Accreditation

To name a few accreditations/reviews:

Mumsnet local editors (covering more than 20 sites) gave Carddies a big thumbs-up...

...Carddies are highly rated in the Good Toy Guide.

UKEdChat thought Carddies ticked all the right boxes and were perfect for teachers' story-telling in the classroom...Critiques and Tests (which  carried out product tests from a disability viewpoint) loved our Carddies...The parent reviewers at Mum and Working thought Carddies were brilliant and imaginative and they would definitely recommend them to others...As did the testers at BizzieBaby (resulting in Carddies winning a BizzieBaby Silver Award! )


Carddies have had wonderful press in a wide range of national and parenting publications...Highlights included a mention on BBC Radio 4 (You and Yours) and a great feature in the Telegraph Magazine Children's Notebook written by Daisy Bridgewater...The younger members of the Carddies Team were particularly delighted when they appeared in First News, the very popular children's weekly paper.

Top Toy

Carddies have featured in various lists of Top Toys...such as:

Please see our Press page to see in more detail how popular the Carddies are! 


Carddies have won a significant number of awards since the toy range was launched: these are outlined in our Awards page.

Made in Britain

Carddies are appearing in a growing list of directories and websites focusing on Made in Britain....

A Truly British Family also reviewed and liked by them: see A Truly British Family Blog)

Still Made in Britain


Please  contact us if you would like to stock the Carddies in your shops or websites.


Please give us your thoughts and feedback, which we will find very useful indeed.

Carddies Club

The Carddies Club has some free fun printable activities for all the Carddies' friends.

Carddies store at Amazon

Please also visit your favourite sets and see how easy it is to purchase the Carddies in a safe and secure way, through our Carddies store at Amazon.